Image Gallery QR Code: Increase your business’s visual appeal

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Create Image Gallery QR Codes

What is an Image Gallery QR Code?

An Image Gallery QR Code allows users to scan codes to open up an image gallery. A lesser known feature of QR Codes, image galleries are an extremely useful way to explain more about a product and can be the key to upselling and cross-selling.

How to use Image Gallery QR Codes

Image Gallery QR Codes are very simple to use. Paste the scan code inside the store, on the product or place it on print marketing material or use it on your website, newsletter and emails.


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Create your Image Gallery QR Code for free online

Create your own Image Gallery QR Code

Here’s how you can create your own image gallery QR Code.

Pinterest, Instagram or Image Sharing sites

You can always create a separate board on Pinterest and upload pictures there. The same is possible with Instagram and other image sharing sites.

Beaconstac’s QR Code Solution

Want to change the content of the Image Gallery QR Code? You can use dynamic QR Codes on the Beaconstac dashboard. Not only are they more convenient than static QR Codes, but they are also extremely useful if you are constantly updating the images.

STEP 1: Create a markdown card. A markdown card is a Beaconstac creative and can be used in lieu of a website or landing page. There is absolutely no coding required to create markdown cards.

Create an Image Gallery QR Code

STEP 2: Add Images to your markdown card. You can add as many images as you would like on your markdown card. You can even link them to a separate URL if you wish to display further information.

Beaconstac’s QR Code Solution

STEP 3: Create a QR Code. On the dashboard, create a dynamic QR Code and attach the markdown card to the campaign. Download your QR Code based on your specification.

Create your QR Code online

Advantages of using Beaconstac’s solution:

  1. Integration with Google Analytics: Not only do you get insights on the dashboard about the time, date and location of the scan, you can also integrate your account with Google Analytics to acquire more data about the consumer.
  2. Fine-tune campaigns in real time: Upon acquiring data, you can make changes to the QR Code campaign in real time remotely.
  3. Retargeting online on Google and Facebook: What if a user did scan your QR Code but did not take immediate action? With dynamic QR Codes, you can not only see who scanned your campaign but you can also retarget them on Facebook and Google. Again, there is no coding involved. All you need is the Facebook Pixel ID and Google Conversion ID to get started.

QR Code FAQs

Can images be converted into a QR Code?

Yes. You can copy the link to any image online and paste it onto the QR Code generator to generate a QR Code. Once someone scans the QR Code, they will be redirected to open the image.

Can a QR Code contain an image?

Absolutely. You can create visual QR Codes with an image as the background of the QR Code. Ensure that it is scannable before you download it and use it.

Can I scan a QR Code that is already present on my Image Gallery on Android? Do I need an app for this?

Yes, on Android 9 Google Lens is able to identify QR Codes even if they are present in your Image Gallery as photos or screenshots. All you have to do is open the photo with the QR Code, click on Google Lens and your associated link will open up. For Android 7, you can use a QR Code scanner app. Find out more about scanning QR Codes with Android.

Create your Image Gallery QR Code for free now