Proximity marketing technologies best suited for your use-cases


Funnel new customers into your business premises, without an app

Attract visitors from nearby locations with a smart window display

Interest passers-by with exciting deals and offers on window displays and curbside signage. Allow them to interact with your display, unlock offers and walk-in to avail the offer.

Share your business location using NFC/QR smart posters and signages

Help visitors find their way from sale signs, digital signages, standees, and posters. Send a link that opens the navigation path from their location to your business location

Use dynamic QR Codes on printed marketing material

Make use of Beaconstac QR Codes on brochures, business cards or flyers. Direct consumers to your Google Business page, website or social media page, save your contact and call you back.


Attract visitors and enhance their pre-purchase journey with Beaconstac


Nudge consumers to enrol for a loyalty program

Tap or scan smart posters, or broadcast beacon notifications to inform consumers about loyalty program benefits - faster checkout, free add-on services or interesting newsletters.

Keep customers coming back - send coupons for their next visit

Send coupons for future visits to drive customer loyalty. Or, deliver special discount vouchers to encourage referrals. Broadcast beacon notifications or use NFC/QR smart posters.

Enhance the checkout queue experience

Give an option to skip the queue and order online

Attach NFC or QR Code to products and let consumers tap/scan the product to access its webpage. Allow them to add it to their cart, make online payment and checkout.

Make the line feel shorter with engaging wait-environments

Broadcast podcasts, music playlists, surveys, games and riddles to entertain customers, especially millennials, while they wait in long checkout queues.

Leverage checkout offers to drive customer loyalty

Deliver bank card offers, parking ticket redemption, free subscriptions to property listings or newsletters with healthy recipes - to build loyalty.

Leverage in-store traffic to drive app download

A brand app opens a whole new channel to interact with your customers - even when they are not in your business premises.

Promote the app as a solution to major issues in the customer journey. Use smart NFC posters to drive app downloads. This reduces the friction of looking for the app on App Store or Play Store.

How does it work?

1. Generate a universal app link that redirects to App Store for iOS devices and Play Store for Android devices.

2. Configure the NFC sticker/QR Code with this universal link. This is easy to do with the Beaconstac dashboard.

3. Stick this NFC sticker/QR Code on a poster or signage that encourages consumers to tap on it.

4. When the consumer taps on this smart poster, she is directed to the App Store or Play Store based on the smartphone in use.

Smoothen the purchase experience and delight customers with Beaconstac

Allow customers to interact with products they bought and re-order

Print QR Codes or embed NFC tags to the product/packaging and link it to your online store, digital menu or Facebook store.

How does it work?

1. Generate a QR Code on Beaconstac or use one of the NFC tags.

2. Print the QR Code, or embed an NFC tag on the product.

3. Link the QR Code to your online store or digital menu.

Discontinued the product but want to suggest a similar product?

Beaconstac creates dynamic QR Codes. Just modify the link assigned to the QR Code. No reprinting of QR Codes required!

Retarget customers online once
they leave your business premises

Retarget customers online once
they leave your business premises

How does retargeting work?

Step 1: Send proximity campaigns to your consumers when they are in your business premises.

Step 2: Setup Facebook or Google ads.

Step 3: When consumers who viewed your campaigns at your business location go online, they see these Facebook and Google ads.

Grow faster with customer feedback

Survey kiosks and suggestion boxes fail to catch the impulsive behaviour of consumers. Setup beacons near exit points or lounge areas to initiate surveys on smartphones in a single click. Or, use NFC-enabled smart posters to smoothen the feedback process.

Here are some inspirations for collecting customer feedback:

1. Measure customer satisfaction at retail stores

2. Feedback on new menu or dishes at restaurants

3. Evaluate the dining experience at restaurants

4. Check-out and check-in experience at hotels

5. Collect leads for a free check-up camp at hospitals

6. Feedback on washroom cleanliness at shopping malls

7. Feedback about multiple services at various sections of a salon

Measure and fine-tune campaigns based on analytics

Beacon campaign analytics:

Measure what and where are consumers interacting with beacon notifications. Measure the overall campaign efficiency, what needs fine-tuning and get a better sense of what campaigns work at what time.

With Beaconstac analytics, you can measure -

1. Notifications delivered

2. Click-through rates

3. Best performing campaigns

4. Best performing beacons

NFC campaign analytics:

Analyse data for every NFC interaction - where and how are objects being interacted with, the effectiveness of the overall campaign and the content related to it.

With Beaconstac analytics, you can measure -

1. Number of taps

2. Taps by device

3. Taps by location

4. Open rate

QR Code campaign analytics:

Track your QR Code campaigns and fine-tune them based on campaign trends, anytime. Strengthen the distribution of QR Codes based on most scanned locations.

With Beaconstac analytics, you can measure -

1. Number of scans

2. Unique scans

3. Scans by device

4. Scans by location

5. Average scans per person